GCE English (Syllabus 1121)

There's more to English than 'thou,' 'this,' and 'thistle.' Actually, it's about how we use words to communicate. But you already knew that. After all, you're an attentive English student. Revision for GCE English does not have to be a chore. In fact, we find English to be rather fascinating (not quite as interesting as watching an idiot get their tongue stuck to a frozen lamppost, but not far off). We turn National Curriculum material into fun quizzes for you to take. It's similar to participating in a pub quiz about your school courses. Intrigued? We suspected you were.

Of course, we go over everything important.

We'll teach you vital elements about the poetry you're studying so you can confidently go into your exams knowing what the poems are about and what the important aspects are. Writing styles and linguistic approaches are also covered. And it doesn't end there! We'll go over grammar and spelling to ensure that your written expression is flawless (those examiners get irritated when they encounter a stray comma!) We'll also show you how to write for various audiences and reasons. Education Quizzes will make revision a snap, whether you want to brush up on your persuasive writing skills or go over that poetry you didn't quite comprehend the first time you read it.

We'll teach you vital elements about the poetry you're studying so you can confidently go into your exams knowing what the poems are about and what the important aspects are. Writing styles and linguistic approaches are also covered. And it doesn't end there! We'll go over grammar and spelling to ensure that your written expression is flawless (those examiners get irritated when they encounter a stray comma!) We'll also show you how to write for various audiences and reasons. Education Quizzes will make revision a snap, whether you want to brush up on your persuasive writing skills or go over that poetry you didn't quite comprehend the first time you read it.